Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Fair to Remember

The Fair is here! Last night we ventured out to the "Tulsa State Fair" with David, Jenny, Maddox and little Macie Drue Dunham. It was MUCH more fun than we all expected. The Dunhams left about 8 and the Kriegs were shortly behind them- Avery was WORN out last night when we got home!!!
Jenny and I had a couple of realizations last night:
1. First off we all find it strange that it is the TULSA state not the Oklahoma State fair or the Tulsa City fair, the Tulsa State Fair. Whatever....
2. Maddox and Avery are TOO cute. As they rode a ride together Jenny leaned over to me and said something like, "this is one of those moments that later in life we will look back and remember."
3. It is a rare thing to find a full family that mutually enjoy being together. The kids are happy, the grownups are happy- its just nice. And thanks to all of our DEAR friends who fit in this rare category!
4. Kids will ride the same rides over and over and over....and not even remember that they've done it before.
5. Fair food is greasy. End of discussion.
Here are some pics from our super fun outing.


Kelli said...

How much fun! Thanks for sharing your pictures. :)

S, J, B, & S said...

Awwwwwwww, so fun! I want to go to the Tulsa State Fair!!!

Anonymous said...

We were thinking about going to the Cumming Country Fair that is in town for the next couple of weeks. I don't know how much a 6 mos. old will really enjoy it, but we could at least walk around and experience it. Glad that you had so much fun - the petting zoo looked neat as well (if that's what it was, maybe it was just horse rides.)