Monday, March 2, 2009

Super Sunday!

I love weekends- I mean who doesn't, right? I love feeling like there is nothing that we HAVE to do, love spending time together and love watching Brett be such a SUPER dad to our girls. Saturday other than a couple of quick errands (which I got to run all alone!) we were just home so by Sunday, we were ready to get out! We went to church together- another favorite weekend activity of mine- and I just thought the girls looked SO sweet! Avery is wearing a sweater that sweet Grandma Becky bought her and Anna is wearing something that my grandma made for her!

So after naps- it was still just COLD outside and we didn't know what to do and then super Dad had the idea to take the girls to the Y to go swimming. Oh my goodness- Avery couldn't wait once we said that words- she ran upstairs, tore the tags off that new swimsuit and SHE was ready to go. Of course, its never that easy but we did finally manage to get everything together and off we went! We had MUCH fun!!!
AND...after swimming their sweet little hearts out I looked in the backseat and found this:


Jen said...

I love weekends too, for the same reasons. :) What a great idea to go swimming! The girls' swimsuits are adorable.

Leslie said...

That is so sweet! And ya dad for a great idea. Who knew? So are you going to Dallas this weekend? Brian was feeling sorry for himself when Rosie told him all the guys were going out for a steak dinner cuz Brett was in town. So sad! What's the occasion? Love and miss you. Hope the girls are well!

Kelsey Bakalar said...

Swimsuits are darling, Ash! What a great idea. Glad you guys are doing well.