Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Swimming in November?!

It actually feels ALMOST warm enough, doesn't it? Although I hear changes are on the way. This time though Avery actually had a birthday party for her good friend, Ella, who turned 3! The party was at the cutest little pool at a hotel here in Tulsa. Avery had a BLAST; my kid is a fish. She loves the water and I have just about convinced myself that she'll be able to swim next summer without the "swim sweater." She did great! The party was SO much fun (good work, Jill!)...the kids got to swim in the pool with 2 slides, fountains, floaty things and THEN eat pizza and birthday cake. So after my last post, you probably all know that the last thing I should be doing is swimming and picking my big girl up and out of the water...well you will be happy to know that I actually did not, I followed orders. Brett had volunteered to go with us and then lo and behold he came down with some little big and is feeling less than great SO Avery's Grandma Becky....Grandma #1 of the year...was SUCH a trooper. She put her swimsuit on and came along for the fun. Sincerely, THANK YOU BECKY for the help, we couldn't have done it without you.

Ella, the birthday girl, takes a break

Avery goes down the frog slide for the 100th time

Oh she wanted to climb up there but she just couldn't do it

Avery watches as Ella opens the gift from us

And a smile for mom, finally! Happy 3rd Birthday, Sweet Ella

We are now looking forward to the arrival of the rest of the Krieg clan- Dylan, Tiff, Gage and Evelyn should be here this evening! Its been a while since the whole family was together and I think we are all looking forward to catching up and watching these crazy cousins together. Hopefully I'll be able to get them to slow down enough to get a couple of good pictures but don't count on it. Brett found out that he has to be out of town ALL next week- great timing, isn't it? So for only the 2nd time in 9 months Brett will be gone for a whole week, while I'm supposed to be doing nothing. That's where Grandma #2 of the year comes in. My family is going to come on Saturday and spend some time with us and then my mom is going to stay until Thursday and help with the housework and more importantly the 2 year old! I sincerely thank the God everyday that I have such an amazing family and support system. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and encouragement- I appreciate it much. Have a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING!