Thursday, November 15, 2007

25 week Update

Another day, Another Dr. appointment....right? Well yes, exactly. And most importantly- this baby girl seems to be growing just as she should be and was quite active this morning! Unfortunately my placenta previa condition has not yet healed itself. Dr. Summers is still cautiously optimistic that it will heal on its own between now and when this baby girl makes her arrival but as of yet there is no change. This means a couple of things for me…. For now she has put me on a very restricted activity level. She did not use the words bed rest she just said basically if you are at home- sit down and just sit as much as you can. So, I guess that's better than it could be, she said no laundry, no vacuuming, no exercising, and no picking up heavy “things”- which includes Avery. I know that it doesn't sound that bad and in the big picture, its not...but the very thought that I can’t pick up my little girl in the last 3 months that she is my only little girl has me an emotional wreck this afternoon. In fact as I was typing this and sitting on the couch crying like the emotional basket case that I am..Avery crawled up into my lap to give me a hug and then said, "I'll go get you a tissue and then you will be happy-OK?" If only it were that easy for me. And the thought of my house being a mess and Brett doing the laundry is almost more than this stress case can take. I did ask for some housekeeping assistance for Christmas so I am hoping Brett will oblige a bit early. ALSO...after I left today I decided I should call and make sure it was okay to travel. Don't they say don't ask if you don't want to know the answer. You guessed it, she said no traveling... Brett and I are supposed to be on a little getaway for one my childhood friends weddings this weekend, in Bentonville for a belated Thanksgiving with my family the next weekend and had hoped to make a trip to Dallas in early December. Well, just kidding. Guess you can all come to Tulsa instead :-)
I now start going to see the good Doctor every 2 weeks...and each time I will go, she will check to see if the placenta has moved up. As delivery gets closer if she thinks that its moved up enough to deliver then to confirm she'll send me somewhere for a higher definition ultrasound to make sure. If there are no more changes it will mean even more restrictions on activity and the definite need to schedule a c-section. SO now that you have more info than you wanted I just ask that you please pray for us! Pray that this will just go away and that I can enjoy my pregnancy AND my little girl in the next couple of months!! Also please pray that I will have the wisdom and patience to listen to what my great Doctor says and not take any risks of making things worse.
I am sure that I will have a much better perspective of this in a little while- in fact just being home with Avery has put me in a happier mood already- so I apologize for my selfish venting. Avery gave me a good reminder with her Bible verse for this week "I trust in your Word." Psalm 119:42


Meredith said...

Girl! I will be praying for you! Aren't there so many things with pregnancy that nobody ever told us about??

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you as well! Ultimately, I'm just glad that little baby girl is healthy!
Ashley Jansen

Leslie said...

Oh my! Ashley - please follow her orders! I will be praying diligently for your family right now. Trust me you don't want to end up on strict bed rest and you don't want a preemie in the NICU if you can help it. Love you and you will get through this and realize the reason behind it all. Call me anytime!!! Hang in there. Glad to hear the baby girl is doing wonderful.

Julie said...

I'll be praying for you. Sorry you're going through all of this.