Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy 30th to Brett!

Indeed, that time has come and gone- Brett turned 30 on Sunday! Unfortunately for him, I am not receiving any wife of the year award for my efforts to celebrate. Sorry Brett!! I had no plan, no cake and no gift....BUT in my defense I have been slightly busy and I did give him another little girl :-) Brett also did get to go out with his best friends in the world on Saturday night and they did it RIGHT! It was a fun weekend- Wes, Brooke and Wyatt were in town for Ashley Webb's bachelor party. They stayed with Jenny, Maddox and Macie Drue while David was away at school...We went there for dinner Friday night and then had a "girls night" (which included our 5 kids) at my house on Saturday night. PLUS my dear friend Shelley was in town so I got to spend some time with her and catch up By the time Brett's b-day rolled around we were ALL WORN OUT! We did do lunch with the Dunhams before the headed back to Texas and then went to Larry and Becky's for dinner and as always they took great care of us with dinner and a birthday cheesecake....not to mention a gift for Brett and MORE new toys for the kids! All in all, not the most exciting b-day Brett's ever experienced but hopefully a good one none the less! So...here are some pics from the last week- I am sad to report I didn't get a single picture of the kids over the weekend but I did get some of the girls last week!
Anna, in her new out from Aunt Linda, getting ready for her 1st walk to the "zebo"

Sweet Anna, wide eyed and ready for a new day

An early morning in mom's bed
Big Sis reading stories to Anna

Avery loves being a big sister!

For those of you who haven't talked to me lately- THIS is a HUGE step for us. Avery is SITTING on the potty WITHOUT screaming OR crying! Granted she's not doing anything but HEY she's trying and that is Step #1 at our house!Playing in the new bounce house that Grandma and PaPa bought! TOO FUN!

This big girl is READY to BOUNCE with her cousins!


Dunhams said...

You've got some pretty sweet little girls, Ashley! Anna is already looking like she's grown so much. We're really looking forward to seeing her (and all of you guys too) at the wedding!

Kelli said...

Happy Birthday, Brett!! Eric had a great time with him on Sat. night...I'm VERY sad I was unable to join him on his trip to Tulsa. It would have been great to see you all. Miss you!!
P.S. Noah was a little jealous of Avery's "bounce, bounce." :) SO fun!

Leslie said...

I want to hear more about the weekend. And Avery is going to kill you for that potty shot! As are my boys for all their bath ones. Anna looks super sweet and so does Avery. Hope all is still going well.