Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Avery's activities

My Avery is a busy girl and she's keeping me busy by trying on EVERY pair of shoes that I own! (also I'd like to say that she is ONLY in a diaper because this picture was taken at bedtime- she is still doing great on the potty training front!) We have been on the move for several days in a row and we were actually thankful for a day at home! She was in desperate need of a nap and I was in desperate need of some ME hopefully we'll all feel better when she wakes up- soon.

I am excited to report that Avery will have the HONOR of being a flower girl in Mandy's wedding in October. For those of you don't know Mandy- she is one my dearest friends from college and we are THRILLED that she and Trent wanted Avery to be such an important part of their big day! Now everyone just pray that she'll cooperate and do it..well! Anyway, in typical, "Aunt Mandy" style she sent a HUGE bag of goodies to Avery last week along with the card asking her to be the flower girl. Avery looks ridiculously cute in her new sunglasses, which were my favorite part of the package- Avery preferred the cupcake mix.

The majority of last week was just gorgeous outside so we tried to take advantage before the April showers return! We went to the park several times including a trip to La Fortune with Maddox. They had a BLAST!

My friend Jill welcomed her 3rd precious baby into the world on Thursday of last week. The girls and I made a quick stop at the hospital to meet baby Leah Claire! Avery is just not much of a baby girl- she can take them or leave them but oh my, I love babies! On that note I'd also like to mention that my friend Kelli also welcomed her 2ND adorable baby boy on Friday evening but unfortunately I won't get to meet him for a bit longer...We have had birthday parties, park days, visits to PaPa and Grandma's house....and of course Avery still has school! She looked pretty cute yesterday and today she got some new jewels from Tripp and she just looks so old so I'll leave you with these photos of my BIG girl.


kinsey said...

avery will be a GREAT flower girl...too fun! and congratulations to Mandy, i know i'm way out of the loop, but i didn't know she was engaged. fun!