Friday, September 19, 2008

Adios Puerto Vallarta-Hello sweet girls!

So once upon a time, the last day of vacation was depressing but when you have the 2 most precious little girls in the world to come home to, how can it be sad?! Brett & I did have an amazing time- a much needed break for us AND the kids. They were spoiled rotten by their fabulous amazing and ridiculously generous grandparents. Avery and Anna were able to stay at their house, sleep in their beds, play with their toys and stay (mostly) on their schedule! THANK YOU to ALL 4 GRANDPARENTS for taking such great care of our girls- what sweet peace of mind it gave to us!!! AHH...and Brett and I did some relaxing! I finished 3 books, slept in every morning, got a couple of naps in the afternoons, got a nice tan and mostly enjoyed the undivided attention of my husband. Brett squeezed in 2 rounds of golf and believe it or not we both went on a zip lining tour, can you believe it!? It was MUCH fun, I loved it! We are now all settling back in at home. I was fortunate enough to pick up some lovely stomach virus while we are gone and I still haven't managed to recover. I just keep getting up thinking I'll be better and then I'm not :-( But its Friday, the Bears play on TV tonight, the Frisco Kriegs will be here for the weekend and I am just GOING to be fine by the time Brett gets here...mind over matter, right? In short I recommend a get away to all parents- it give you a whole new appreciation for your spouse, your life AND especially your kids! Ps the pic to the left is Avery with her flowers that daddy brought her the night before we left. She was SO excited, Dad scored- big time.

The view from our room

Brett at the Puerto Vallarta Wal-Mart buying me my weekly Diet cokes (which I did NOT drink because they just do not taste the same)The Marina area across from our hotelThe scenery on our 45 minute jeep trip into the jungle to zip lineThe tour is located at the area where they filmed the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, "Predator" Not sure I caught that one- but Brett did and he recognized the little guy...Our fun zip lining tour group following our adventure!Oh yes there was also a tequila tasting following the excursion...Brett enjoyed :-)And while we were away..the girls DID play! Anna Cate LOVES Addie!Avery reading stories with her BobAnna and Addie taking a restAvery and Bob NEVER rest!


Kelli said...

Glad y'all had a great time! Sounds amazing! And I'm glad the girls did well. :)

Anonymous said...

You would have loved being there when I snapped the photo of Bob and Avery on your bed. He was tickling her and she was giggling like crazy....too cute!

EAJan678 said...

So glad you had such a great time on vaca!! Isn't it wonderful to have the opportunity to turn off the 'mommy' brain for awhile. Love the new family pic at the top of your page! BEAUTIFUL!!

Jen said...

Yay, for spouse getaways! I am so glad you had a nice time. I know what you mean about bringing back that old perspective of your spouse that you had before you had kids, when you actually were able to focus on EACH OTHER! We had the same experience in Hawaii. :)