Thursday, July 22, 2010

Look who's a BIG girl....

ANNA is getting to be SUCH a big girl. She is changing daily...and in case I haven't mentioned it she is a Crack up, I swear!  We just ran into her preschool teacher yesterday and she told me Anna had grown SO much in TWO months!  This post really should've happened prior to our beach trip but needless to say things have been a little busy around here so I just hadn't done it yet...BUT alas, here they are.
Anna's new big girl bed, rails have now been removed 
 Anna loves her bed and hasn't said ONE word about the crib leaving with a stranger

She has YET to get of it when she isn't supposed to- fingers crossed and knock on wood
Now if we could only get that thumb to stop going into that sweet little mouth

Playing on the computer together...her sister teaches her all kind of things (and MOST are good!)

Gigi treated the girls to Anna's very first MOVIE at the theater to see Toy Story 3

AND...Annie had her second set of tubes put in and her adenoids out at the end of June- she as amazing.  She was scared for about 30 seconds and then she did GREAT.....SO proud of her.

Next item: Potty Training......and Mom for one is DREADING it.


Mandy said...

Time for another one??? : )

Kelsey Bakalar said...

That poor little thing going through surgeries! :( Of course she handles it more gracefully than I would now at 31. The girls look great!