Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A proud wife

As parents, we look forward to Halloween- a chance to buy costumes and dress up our precious kids and know in our hearts that our child is the cutest thing ever! (Larry and Becky I hope that as you look at this picture, those emotions remain true!!!) Expect those pictures of Miss Avery tomorrow because we are getting ready to get her dressed and made up!!! BUT for now, I am a mean wife; I told Brett I would try to resist the urge to post this picture but I can resist no longer. Yes, ladies and gentleman this is Mr. Brett Krieg aka Buzz Lightyear. Leave it the "new guy" to get last choice on which character he wants to be for the finance/accounting Toy Story theme!! Some of Brett's co-workers were able to locate a child's size Buzz light year costume so throw some Wal-Mart sweats with it and YES you have Brett- the Buzz! I am seriously trying to convince him to keep it on for trick or treating but for some reason, he just isn't so sure about that plan! Anyway, Enjoy the picture and Happy Halloween!!


Julie said...

Oh my gosh...I am laughing so hard right now!!!! :-)

Leslie said...

OH MY BRETT! This is the first thing I'll be showing Brian when he gets home from work today. This is what blogs are for! Love it!