Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Nothing to report

Well I went into the Doc today with HIGH hopes of an early birthday present- a report full of all the progress made and a rosy happy picture about the induction plans for next week. That didn't happen....apparently, it is REALLY comfy in my not so little tummy because neither of my girls got in a hurry to make an exit. I made NO progress this week. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. SO after a rather confusing appointment (meaning I'm not sure exactly what was decided or why)...I am scheduled to be induced next Tuesday, the 19th BUT I go back to see the Doctor on Monday afternoon to see if I made any more progress. My confusion comes in because I'm not sure if we are going forward on Tuesday no matter what and dr. Summers just wants to know what she's in for OR if no more progress is made then we'll reschedule. I will be fine either way- swear, I just like a PLAN!! And, of course I don't want this baby to come any earlier than she is supposed to...but according to my sonogram today she's weighing somewhere close to 7 lbs 4 oz already so waiting TOO much longer sounds like not a fun plan. And as a refresher I was in labor for 19 forevers last time and never dialated PAST 1 cm until they put me on pitocin SO if we are heading down that same path, why wait, right? Anyway- thanks to all of you who have asked what's going on and now I ask of you- PLEASE PRAY that I make some progress this weekend! Even a little would be an encouragement :-) The planner in me is having a hard time with the unknown this time and I want to MAKE SURE that my Avery is well taken care of when this new baby girl really does debut! More updates will hopefully soon be to follow....and maybe the silver lining in all of this is Brett & I may agree on a name for her BEFORE she gets here.