Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Can you tell me how to get...??

Beware..this is a long one.
1. To Sesame Street?!
Brett & I took Avery to Sesame Street Live for the 2ND year in a row. Last year she LOVED it. This year she enjoyed it but she was also really excited to get home because Gigi and Bob were there with Anna. When the show started Avery immediately started yelling, "Hi Big Bird, Hi Elmo, Hi Cookie" etc. She was a bit frustrated when they wouldn't answer her. Also she cracked me up because at some point Prairie Dawn said that Cookie was eating the set- Avery asked me when she said and I said that Cookie was eating the props. From that point on she kept asking me if Cookie was eating the chops- and then later told me that Elmo wasn't on stage because he was eating chops. Since the show Avery now plays "Elmo show" at home. When I went up to get her this morning from her bed she told me that she and Mickey and Baby Charlie were at the Elmo show and she had them sitting on her pillow facing the "Stage" she crated with her pillow. Her pretending and creativity amazes me! Anyway, overall it was a fun outing for the 3 of us- and don't you worry if you didn't get to attend I have CD playing in my car over and over and over again and I'd be happy to let you borrow it!

In the car on our way to see Elmo!

Waiting anxiously for the show to begin! Intermission with mom

2. Some sleep!?
Seriously?! I am hanging in there but I am tired and I just can't make myself nap. I just have too many other things I want to do or need to do! (You know, like posting to my blog!) Anna was doing so well there for a little while- sleeping about 5 hours at a time at night- she even had a couple of nights with a 7 hour stretch! we are back to every 3 hours, like clockwork. Brett is really helping a lot but there is just a lot to be done. SO for you sweet girls who said how easy I made this look- know this, I am loving EVERY minute and MOST of the time it is pretty easy BUT I am tired! BUT I have nothing to complain about- my baby is mostly happy and always precious.

Anna is getting more aware all the time and she's starting to get pretty playful!

Look at those blue eyes!

Checking out her Gigi

3. A cuter soccer player?
Avery and Brett started a daddy and me soccer plays with Maddox and David at Soccer City on Monday evening. Jenny and I tagged along to watch and Jenny took pics for us since I left my camera in the car-oops. The kids were funny. Maddox is actually quite a little kicker! Avery on the other hand may have inherited her mother's athletic ability and her father's attention span- not a good combo for learning a sport! But as I reminded Brett- she is only 2 :-) They actually played bubbles, parachute and red light green light as the main part of their first class. And Avery got most of her exercise running off the field to say hi to me. I may have to stay home next time!

Avery and Maddox checking out their "dots" and the bubbles

High five!
Phew- an after class drink break, they were worn out :-)
Class one, complete. Way to go guys!

4. A better picture?
i am the worst photographer EVER. I try so hard to get good pics of both girls and they just never turn out. It is SO frustrating! So, I don't have a scanner but i have some newborn pics of me and I think they look a LOT like Anna. I wanted to post them but didn't know how so I just took pictures of them. The quality isn't all that great but you get the idea.


Kelli said...

My goodness--that sweet girl of yours DOES look like your baby pictures!! Wow. Sounds like fun times at the Krieg house. Miss you!

Brooke said...

I totally thought those last 2 pictures WERE Anna before I finished the post! Crazy. We can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!