Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Finally a sense of normalcy around here..

I love happy babies and I finally have one again!! Anna went to see an ENT on Dec. 31st because of her multiple ear infections. He told us that she was borderline on both hearing and her tempanogram tests so we could either schedule a surgery to have tubes put in or schedule a follow up visit in 6 weeks. Being the wimp that I am, I scheduled the follow up visit. After leaving, I called and talked to several friends, family members, etc. and despite my reservations, the following Monday I called and instead scheduled Anna Cate for her tube surgery on that next Thursday, January 8th. I ended up having to take her to see the pediatrician on Wed for what I assumed was a cold- only to find out that once again she had ear infections in both ears. God is good! What?? Yes, I typed that right- I NEEDED that confirmation that I had made the right decision!!! So Thursday morning, we were at the hospital at 5:45 AM for surgery...and we were back home by 8:30! Everything went great-it was not fun, she was fussy before and after, but then she slept all day and now...I HAVE MY SWEET, HAPPY, HUNGRY, SLEEPING baby girl back!!! I could not be more thankful!!! She has even taken a couple of steps over the last few days- look out world.

Anna-before getting her happy juice
And that silly baby AFTER happy juice! And here are a few random pics from the last couple of weeks, all from my phone!
Avery, waiting on gymnastics to start
Avery and her buddy Mitch before school on TuesdayAnna playing with Leah
The girls and the sand

Anna and Macie Drue


Jen said...

I am so glad it all went well and you have your happy baby again! Praise the Lord!!

Meredith said...

Ashley, I'm so glad to hear that! I'm sure you are feeling so relieved to know that you made the right decision!!! Miss you guys, planning any Dallas trips soon??

Mandy said...

YEA! I am glad your house is a bit more back to normal...whatever that is, right??

Miss you! Come see me.

Brooke said...

I can't believe how much Anna looks like Avery in some of those pictures! So glad she is doing so well. And Anna and Macie Drue in their matching pjs. So precious!

Leslie said...

So happy it's all done and Anna is great! I can't believe she is almost 1. Where did this past year go?
Anyway thanks for the bday call and card. You are so thoughtful. Miss you tons! Need more guitar hero pics of Brett.

Dunhams said...

So glad to hear that the surgery went well! I'm sure you all will feel so much better from here on.

Kelsey Bakalar said...

So glad to get all the good news! I didn't know Avery had started gymnastics...what a big girl! I want to hear all about it! ;)

Unknown said...

So glad she is feeling well and back to her happy self!! I was thankful to get the text...Miss you, friend!

Hunter, Amanda, Hudson and Maddie said...

hi...this is amanda lary ramsey. my son, hudson got tubes and they are so great. he got his first cold this week since he got them and we have no ear infection for the first time in forever!!! glad everything went well!!! i hope it makes her feel so much better! your kids are so precious!

Stressed Momma said...

I can't believe how much Anna Cate looks like you Ashley!